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Maintenance of the Ruyaulcourt river
Pir6mon, CC BY-SA 3.0

Maintenance of the Ruyaulcourt river tunnel

Recently SEE Telecom provided maintenance services inside the Ruyaulcourt river tunnel, a unique project of its kind, the radio coverage of which was also made by SEE Telecom back in 2006.

The Ruyaulcourt is a 4,350 m long river tunnel that allows crossing the Cambrésis threshold. It is a part of the Canal du Nord - a 95-kilometers long canal in northern France. The river tunnel has a two-way operation center of about 1.30 km and its entrances are controlled by traffic lights at each portal.

The preventive maintenance carried out by SEE Telecom and DESMAREZ SAS allows a detailed analysis of the retransmission system in the Ruyaulcourt tunnel according to the proper use of the various services by divers users (boats, operators, fire brigades).

The retransmission system is efficient and tailored to the specific needs of such a long canal tunnel.

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