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Radio Coverage for Tunnels in Krakow
Krakow tunnels, Poland

Radio Coverage for Tunnels in Krakow

SEE Telecom and its local partner RadioPartners Sp. z o.o.has provided FM, VHF, and UHF radio retransmission for 3 road tunnels and a tramway tunnel in Krakow, Poland.

The radio communication system is designed to perform the radio coverage of the following road and tramway tunnels:

  • TD-01 road Tunnel: 4800m long (1 tube)
  • TD-04 Tunnel: 520m long (2 tubes)
  • TD-10 Tunnel: 610m long (2 tubes)
  • TD-12 road Tunnel: 200m long (2 tubes)
  • TT-09 Tramway Tunnel: 620m long (1 tube)

The radio coverage system built by SEE Telecom retransmits the following services:

  • Eight FM channels with emergency break-in feature, enabling transmission of emergency messages in all tunnel tubes.
  • Three VHF simplex service channels 
  • Two VHF duplex service channels
  • Two TETRA Police services 
  • One TETRA Public Transport service
  • One UHF local repeater for operation services

The tunnels are located on the Łagiewnice route, which will become part of the Third Transport Ring of Krakow.

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