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Port of Gibraltar, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Port of Gibraltar, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Radio Communications System For Gibraltar Airport tunnel

SEE Telecom has deployed a radio communications system to provide radio coverage in the Gibraltar Airport Tunnel, a 3x350m tunnel under the runway of Gibraltar International Airport.

The Gibraltar Airport tunnel consists of three tubes: Southbound and Northbound road tunnels and a pedestrian crossing. 

The radio communication system of the Gibraltar Airport Tunnel is designed to broadcast fifteen FM channels and one operational UHF channel for local maintenance purposes. The system is designed to provide break-in facilities on the rebroadcasted FM channels inside the two road tunnel tubes. 

This tunnel crossing has been expected for several years and is finally ready, allowing pedestrians and vehicles to no longer cross the runway itself. The new runway tunnel will reduce traffic delays and danger caused by aircraft taking off and landing.

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